Blood Bowl – Hallway Horrors team

After doing the Beach Boos late last year, I had an issue in that the GW box is missing 2 Ghouls for the shambling undead team. I did not want to buy another box just for 2 extra figures. I guess that is the GW hope. but I did not want to do that. However, I have in the lead pile of to be done projects a box of the Necromantic Horrors team. This team also includes 2 Ghouls in it…

So, I decided I would paint this up using the same basic colours scheme as the Beach Boos. This allows me to merge the players – giving my 4 Ghouls for the Beach Boos, but also more undead figures for this team for reserves (for either team). That way I gain 2 full 16 player roasters (as the Necromantic Horrors team has all the needed positional players in a single box) by using the 2 boxes and painting them in the same style and with the same style of basing. Thus, my Necromantic Horrors team has come into being.

I am sure I am not the first, nor the last person to do this. It works and allows 2 teams full teams from the 2 boxes. It’s not possible for me to field both 16 players teams at the same time but who cares. I have more than enough teams to not need to do this. As an added bonus though this also mean these are a perfect group for Dungeon Ball. I have enough players of all types from boith teams to field a college of Death team from these. It’s great when a plan comes together.

As an aside, I believe I may have another undead team of lead figs from 3rd party producers somewhere in the lead pile – I think… Anyway, here you can see the full Necromantic Horrors team. I am calling them for now the Hallway Horrors – after the colours scheme which is somewhat Xmas themed by accident more than design.

So to the detailed close up pictures. The first positional players are the big guys – the Flesh Golems. I worked to make these two very different as you can see. They both are the basic same model with a different head but they have come out quite different. Overall, I’m happy with both but the lighter flesh one looks more striking to me.

Next we have the Wraiths. Basically Ghosts and with my colour scheme. I wanted to really keep the green/red theme going. So these are green. I did find these models difficult to put together and especially to remove the joint lines. I managed that but they were a pain to do. Was tempted to try to do a red one but just did not think that would look right/work. So they are both greenish – I thought about a white for the sheets but it just does not go with the rest of the team the same way. These are not great models. from GW. considering the undead models they have in the range but I have them and so they will work.

Next, are the two Ghouls. I numbered these 15 and 16, so I can use them in the Beach Boos team. See my plan is at work. These have different heads, so again, although the same basic model they do look different. One of the other thing you may notice is all the rest of the models have striped jerseys. That is not a big thing but does make a little difference between the Necromantic Horror and Shambling Undead player models. The Horror models have jerseys while the shambling undead really had more armour items. With the same colour scheme they all match well though.

The Horror team only has 2 Ghouls but also has 2 werewolves. These are fast, nasty players and just as with the flesh golems I wanted to try different things out on the two near identical models. So I went for a lighter and darker versions. This time I prefer the darker version. The lighter one is ok but does not pop quite so much to my eyes.

This team has Zombie linemen. I tried hard to make these all look different by poising them in different ways as well as painting them different. You can see the results below. Posing the two on the left was easier than the ones on the right. Still they all seem to work and then scarecrow look is a fun one.

Lastly, are 2 more zombies. I showed these sideways to show off the different poses. They are fun models so it’s interesting to try this. The one of the left is a bit odd – but heck it’s a zombie trying to look big ad scary…

So, there we are. My second GW ‘undead’ team. This now allows me to mix and match between the two team. I have not used this team yet – but I believe they are quite a strong team from my. understanding. I may in the end use these more, as they seem a little more interesting than the shambling undead but we will see.

About mellis1644

A painter and gamer who has no illusions about being the best painter but likes to play with decently painted toys and have fun gaming
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8 Responses to Blood Bowl – Hallway Horrors team

  1. I like these Mark! 🙂 Good move getting two different teams sorted!

    • mellis1644 says:

      Thanks – There are I think. around 25 Blood Bowl teams and in the end I likely will try to get them all done. I don’t need that amount of teams but choice is good and I really do enjoy playing blood bowl games – even though the dice can be cruel in the game.

  2. Faust says:

    Yea, there are a few teams where you can do this. If I had known that the OWA team would be coming out, I could have painted my Dwarves and Humans (plus Halflings) in the same colors and used minis for all three teams. I think I ended up getting the extra Ghouls for the Necro team anyways, but have yet to paint them. Someday! Actually Necro vs Shambling Undead is one of the harder games I played (me being Shambling).

    • mellis1644 says:

      Thanks and I assumed this was the case. The advantage as mentioned is this also now the two make a great Dungeon Bowl team.I have wanted to try that game out and now have a team to do it with.

      • Faust says:

        I haven’t tried Dungeonbowl yet, and will probably wait to see if they release it for the computer at some point. The team mixes are definitely interesting in that game though!

      • mellis1644 says:

        I hope to try it in the next few weeks. I have hopes it may be good. The background it is a better justification for a bash in a dungeon vs the normal robber/home invasion which come from D&D days

  3. Argentbadger says:

    Very nice indeed. I’ve always enjoyed playing Necromantic Undead teams back in the LRB days. The sculpts for the ghosts are a lot of fun, I love it when Blood Bowl leans into the silliness.

    • mellis1644 says:

      Thanks and I agree Blood bowl is a great tactical game but you can’t take it too seriously. There are too many random rolls to do that. So fun models are cool to have

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